We are reimagining mobility.

A&K Robotics is designing electric micro mobility platforms and self-driving robotic pods to help improve quality of life and positively impact the environment. Our autonomous robots empower people with limited mobility to travel and navigate long distances in places such as airports, malls and museums. Its unique platform is environmentally friendly and designed with diversity in mind.


At A&K Robotics, we envision a world where innovation knows no bounds. Thinking big and acting boldly are the cornerstones of everything we do. We are not just building robots. We are engineering a future for society and the environment. Our mission is to challenge the status quo of how people and goods are transported - pushing the limits of what's possible.

We foster a culture of innovation, where every idea is valued, and every team member is empowered to think differently and spark change. Pragmatic optimism and resiliency drives our innovation, inspiring us to tackle complex challenges and deliver pioneering solutions.

Join us to shape the future of transportation and mobility. Together, let’s forge a path towards a more sustainable and inclusive world – a world where humans and robots collaborate, building a brighter, smarter tomorrow.

If you share our vision and are interested to join our growing team, please check out our current openings.